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Wang Jia

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1. Personal information

Wang Jia , male, Party member of the CPC, Doctor, associate professor, Master’s supervisor

address: French department, School of Foreign languages, Central China Normal University

Email: andrewangjia@126.com

2. Education

2000 - 2004 French department, School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University , bachelor’s degree

2003/01 - 2003/06 exchange student studying in University Lyon 3 in France

2004 - 2006 the French department, School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University , master’s degree

2006 - 2009 French department, School of Foreign Languages, Wuhan University , doctor’s degree

2007 - 2008 subsidized by China Scholarship Council, studying in University Bordeaux 3 in France of an united educational scheme

2009 teacher in the French department, School of Foreign languages, Central China Normal University

2012 promotion to the associate professor

3. Research interests and current research works

Engaged in doing research on French classical literature, stylistics, poetics and translatology.

Main courses:《French Literature》、《Reading of French Literature》、《Skill and Practice of Translation》、《Survey of French Linguistics》、《Translation and Culture》、《French Grammar》etc.

4. Research results and others

Having published two works(including translations):《La Fontaine’s and Chinese Fables》(Shandong University Publishing House),《Little Prince》(the Yangtze River Literature And Art Publishing House).  

Having published more than ten papers in core journals,mainly including《Intertextuality in La Fontaine’s 》,《Renaissance and new epoch of French Literature》,《Rebellion of the surrealism》etc.  

Rewards: 2011 : getting the third prize in the eighth Teachers’ Teaching Competition of Central China Normal University