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Yin Li

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1. Personal information

Name: Yin Li

Email: yinli@mail.ccnu.edu.cn

2. Educational Background


Department of English Language and Literature,

Central China Normal University, China (1997-2001)

BA in English Education

BA Thesis: The Great Gatsby: Upbringing and Character

Supervisor: Professor Weihong Zhu


Department of Linguistics and English Language,

University of Edinburgh, UK (2004-2005)

MSc in Applied Linguistics

MSc Thesis: “Language Transfer and the Developmental Sequence of Subject and Object”.

Supervisor: Professor Antonella Sorace


Department of Education

University of York, UK (2012 – present)

PhD in Education

Research Title: “Cross-linguistic Influences and Working Memory in Processing wh-movement of English as an L3”.

Supervisors: Dr Benedetta Bassetti and Professor Leah Roberts

3. Research interests

My research interests involve the acquisition of English syntax as second language (by monolingual learners) and third language (by bilingual learners), cross-linguistic influences, individual differences (in aptitude and working memory) and psycholinguistics. Recently, my focus has centered on the role of cross-linguistic influences and working memory in processing third language syntax.

4. Publications and research projects

(1) Publications

· Yin, L. (2013). An Investigation of Recitation-based Input Teaching Experiment Studies: Experimental Design and Statistical Analysis. Journal of Higher Correspondence Education (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2, 78-83.

· Yin, L. (2012). L2 Ultimate Attainment Studies: Maturational Constraints and Universal Grammar. Forum of Foreign Languages, Literature and Culture, 3, 95-109.

· Yin, L. (2012). An Empirical Study of Recitation Input on L2 Vocabulary Development for College Students of Physical Education. Journal of Higher Correspondence Education (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2, 91-94.

· Yin, L. (2012). Critical Period Hypothesis Studies and Universal Grammar. Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 12, 88-90.

· Yin, L. (2012). Language Transfer Studies and Markedness Differential Hypothesis. Journal of Language and Literature Studies, 10, 16-18.

· Ling, Y. and Yin, L. (2010). Listening Comprehension Difficulties and Teaching of Listening Strategies. Journal of Higher Correspondence Education (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 6, 72-74.

· Yin, L. (2008). An Inquiry into the Acquisitional Sequence of English Subjects and Objects by Chinese Learners. Journal of Higher Education and Research, 6, 95-105.

· Yin, L. (2008). A Review of Empirical Studies on English Learning Strategies by Chinese High School English Learners. Journal of Higher Correspondence Education (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 8, 55-58.

· Yin. L. (2008). Language Transfer and Universal Grammar. Journal of American Society for Chinese Scholars, Volume 1, 58-65.

(2) Research Projects

· September 2011- June 2013, “Teaching Reform and Practice of College English”, granted by Division of Social Science and Humanities of Hubei Province. (I participated in data collection and statistical analysis)

· September 2009- June 2011, “Interlanguage Fossilization of Chinese Learners of English”, granted by Division of Social Science and Humanities, Central China Normal University.

· September 2009- June 2011, “Placement of College English Teaching for College Students of Music, Arts and Physical Education”, granted by Division of Teaching, Central China Normal University. (I participated in data collection and statistical analysis)

· September 2009- June 2011, “the Multimedia Computer-aided Courseware Design for College English”, granted by Division of Teaching, Central China Normal University. (I participated in data collection and statistical analysis)