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Mr Xiao XIONG is a lecturer in English literature at the School of Foreign Languages of Central China Normal University and a PhD candidate in English literature at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He is also a member of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature (Australia) and a member of the Chinese Association for Australian Studies (China). He is also with the Interpreter Services of Wollongong City Council, Australia. He used to be a member of the South China Sea Arbitration Research Group.


Born in 1982 in Wuhan, China, he graduated in 2001 from Hubei Province Wuchang Experimental High School and obtained in 2007 a Master’s Degree in English Literature at Wuhan University. He began teaching English literature in 2008 at Central China Normal University. He has a passion for literature.


Research Interests

1. English Literature

2.   Great Power Strategy

3.   Cultural Security


Academic Achievements

Literature Study

1. (2015-2019) PhD program at the University of Wollongong, Australia.  

2. (06. 2018) Attended The 16th International Conference of Australian Studies  

in China – Australia in the Changing World (Beijing, China) and

presented the paper “Haunting in Language in Ouyang Yu’s Poetry”

3. (07. 2017) Attended the 2017 ASAL (Association for the Study of Australian

  Literature) Conference and presented the paper “Haunting as Trauma in

  Brian Castro’s Birds of Passage”

4. (2014-2016) Principal investigator of research project “A Study on Chinese

     Australian Writing from the Perspective of Cultural Security” supported

     by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China

    (Humanities and Social Science)

5. (06. 2016)  “Cultural Security in Ouyang Yu’s Poetry — Taking ‘Doubleman’ and    

 ‘Listening to the Big Bus Guy in London’ as Examples.” Journal of

      Changchun University (Social Science).

6. (11. 2015) “Two Tongues, Two Hearts --- A Review on Ouyang Yu’s Poetry and  

    Other Works from the Perspective of Cultural Security.” Proceedings of

    The 2nd Convention of Chinese/American Association for Poetry and

    Poetics. Wuhan:  Central China Normal University Press.

7. (06. 2015)  “A Motherland That One Cannot Return to—An Interpretation on  

 Song of The Chu from the Perspective of Cultural Security.” Journal of

 Literature and Art Studies.

8. (03. 2013)  “Lost in Fantasy--- Holden’s Double Psychology in The Catcher in

 the Rye.” Journal of Changchun University of Science and Technology

      (Social Science). 

9.   (01. 2013)  “A New Exploration from the Gender Perspective into The Old Man

              and the Sea.” Yangtze River Academic.

10.  (09. 2012)  “A Comparison on the Construction of Women Subjective

                       Consciousness between ‘A Pair of Stockings’ and ‘The Revolt of

                       Mother’.” Journal of Xianning University.

11.  (2012)    “A Gender Metaphor in The Old Man and The Sea.” A Symposium on

    Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Vol. 2). Wuhan: Central

    China Normal University Press.  

12. (2009)    “They Pursue Their Own Happiness on the Awakening of Women

                      Consciousness in ‘A Pair of Stockings’ and ‘The Revolt of Mother’” A

                      Symposium on Foreign Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Vol. 1).     

                      Wuhan: Central China Normal University Press.

13. (07. 2007)  “On the Post-modernity in The Catcher in the Rye.” Translation and


14. (2007)  “Henry James’s View on Inter-sexual Relationships from The Bostonians 

   and ‘The Beast in the Jungle’”, A Thesis Submitted for Partial

   Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Master’s Degree in English

   Liteature, Wuhan University.


Linguistics Study

1. (07. 2014)  “A Tentative Study on the Characteristics of the Interlocutions in

                        Biological Experiments.” Biotech World.

2. (04. 2012)  “The Chain-shaped Morphological Presentations of English Vocabulary                                                                      

                       Based on Information China.” Journal of Hubei University of


3. (2012)  “The Chain-shaped Presentations of English Vocabulary Based on

               Information Chain”, whose abstract was included in Proceedings of The

               1st National (China) Conference on English Vocabulary Teaching and

               Research, Wuhan University.

4. (2009)  “The Interlocutions between Laboratory Assistants in Biological

               Experiments”, whose abstract was included in Proceedings of The 11th 

               National (China) Conference on Pragmatics & The 5th Annual Conference

              of China Pragmatics Association”.



(2006)  The Translator’s Handbook (6th Revised Edition). Wuhan: Wuhan University



Great Power Strategy

(2016)  “Brief Summary and Analysis of Reports on the South China Sea Arbitration

              by the Australian Mainstream Media.” The Official Platform of the South

              China Sea Arbitration Research Group.


Campus Activities

10-11.2018  Lecturer for Language Class and Culture Class at Bangalay, University of


09.2005—10.2006 Deputy Director of the Academic Department of Wuhan

                               University Postgraduate Association

09.2005—10.2006 Director of the Academic Department of Postgraduate Association

                               of School of Foreign Languages and Literature of Wuhan


10.2006  MC Person for the 3rd Postgraduate Representatives Conference of

       School of Foreign Languages and Literature of Wuhan University

04–05.2006 Interpreter for Dr. Vera Sheridan’s visit to Wuhan University; Dr Vera

                    Sheridan was from the School of Applied Language and Intercultural

                    Studies at Dublin City University

04.2006  MC Person for the lecture given by Professor Luc Duhamel as part of “The

               Month of Russian Culture” at Wuhan University; Professor Luc Duhamel

               was from Montreal University, Canada

04.2006  MC Person for the Grand Lecture at Wuhan University given by Mr. Paul A.

       Ramsey, Vice President of ETS (Educational Testing Service, U.S.)

04.2006  MC Person for the 1st Social Gathering of Postgraduates Majored in

               Foreign Languages at 5 Universities in Wuhan

11.2005  MC Person for the lecture given by Ouyang Yu, a Chinese Australian writer

               and guest professor at Wuhan University    


Social Work

02-03.2017  Lecturer at Wollongong City Library   

01.2017 Invited to attend and give a speech at the OZ Day in the Gong Dinner

              organized by Wollongong City Council        

10.2016 MC Person and one of the organizers of the Mid-Autumn Festival Event of

              Wollongong   (organized by Wollongong City Council)

05-06.2016 Lecturer at Wollongong City Library

03.2016 MC Person and one of the organizers of the Lantern Festival Event of

              Wollongong (organized by Wollongong City Council, Multicultural

              Communities Council of Illawarra and Wollongong Chinese Students &

              Scholars Association)

03.2010   Interpreter for the meetings in Wuhan of Norwich Institute of Language


June 2006  Interpreter for “Hubei · Norway Week 2007”

10.2006–-01.2006  Part-time teacher at Wuhan Electric Power Technical College

10.2006  Chief Interpreter for “Green Bond — Cities and Gardens International

              Conference & Wuhan International Forum on Cities and Gardens”

              organized by Wuhan University, Harvard University and Wuhan People’s   

              Municipal Government   

10.2004   Interpreter for the 2nd Wuhan International Equestrian Festival  



11.2018   Certificate of Appreciation issued by Bangalay, University of Wollongong

03.2017  Certificate of Appreciation issued by Wollongong City Library

06.2016  Certificate of Appreciation issued by Wollongong City Library

03.2016  Certificate of Appreciation issued by Wollongong City Council

2010—2011  Graded Outstanding by the Annual Work Assessment of CCNU

10.2009  2nd Prize as an Instructor in the Final Round of the Hubei Division of

              “CCTV Cup National (China) English Speaking Contest”

06.2007  Outstanding Graduate of Wuhan University

2005—2006  Scholarship of Outstanding Postgraduate of Wuhan University

2005—2006  Outstanding Postgraduate Cadre of the School of Foreign Languages

                      and Literature, Wuhan University  

2005—2006 Outstanding Youth League Cadre of the School of Foreign Languages

                     and Literature, Wuhan University


Test Certificates

06.2014       IELTS (Academic) Overall Band Score 7

06.2007      CFT-4 (College French Test  Band 4)

 03.2005     TEM-8 (Test for English Majors  Band 8)


Personal Motto

“Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and there are many who take it. For the gate is narrow and the road is hard that leads to life, and there are few who find it.”



        roland_xiong@mail.ccnu.edu.cn      xx138@uowmail.edu.au