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Liao meizhen

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Meizhen, Liao, Ph.D.

Director, Institute of Linguistics

Professor of English, Department of English

Dean of the School of Foreign Language

Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei 430079

(027) 6786-5201 (Office)

(027) 6786-7661 (Home)

(0086) 18627784279 (Cell)

Personal website:www.liaomz.com


Liao Meizhen (1956) obtained his PhD in linguistics from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. He is currently a professor of linguistics and dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University. His academic interests include forensic linguistics, discourse pragmatics and discourse metaphor. His representative publications include “Metaphor as a Textual Strategy in English”,Text19 (2), 1999, “A Study of Interruption in Chinese Criminal Courtroom Discourse”,Text & Talk, 29-2, 2009,A Study of Courtroom Questions, Responses and their Interaction, Law Press, Beijing, 2003, and the Principle of Goal and Communication,Journal of Foreign Languages, 2009 (4 & 6).


Ph.D., linguistics, the Institute of Linguistics, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, July 2002.

M.A., English, English Department, Sichuan University, July 1988.

B.A., English, English Department, Hubei Normal University July 1978.

Honors and Awards

Awarded “Guiyuan Mingshi”(桂苑名师), Central China Normal University, 2013.

Awarded “Dongchu Distinguished Professor” (东楚学者)by Hubei University of Science and Technology, 2012.

Listed in MarquisWho's Whoin Asia, 2011.

Listed in MarquisWho’s Who in the World, 2010.

Awarded "Man of the Year representing China", American Biographical Centre, 2010.

Invited as Visiting professor, Macao University of Science and Technology, fall semester, 2009.

Selected as Fulbright Professor, Brooklyn Law School, the United States of America, August 2006 to July, 2007.

Named Part-time professor, Hubei National Minority University, 2006.

Named Part-time professor, Wuhan Engineering University, 2006.

Named Guest Professor with Wuhan University of Science and Technology, 2004.

(Concurrently) Professor of English, China University of Political Sciences and Law, 2003.

Visiting scholar, Polytechnic University of Hong Kong, fall semester, 2001.

Visiting professor, Heinrichheiner University of Dusserdorf, Germany, August 1997 to August 1998.

Awarded "Provincial Model Teacher Award", Hubei Provincial Government, 1992.

Administrative Positions

Associate Dean of the Department of Foreign Languages, Hubei Normal University, 1989-1993.

Dean of the Department of Foreign Languages, Hubei Normal University, 1993-2002.

Director of the Institute of Linguistics, the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, since 2002.

Associate dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, 2009-2011.

Dean of the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, since January, 2012.

Academic positions

Associate professor of English, English Department, Hubei Normal University, 1992.

Professor of English, English Department, Hubei Normal University, 1999 .

Professor of English, English Department, the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, 2002 to present.

Professor of English, English Department, the School of Foreign Languages, China University of Political Sciences and Law, 2002 to 2008 (Concurrently).

Major courses taught

English Writing to undergraduates, Hubei Normal University, from 1983 to 1985.

Advanced English to undergraduates, Hubei Normal University, from 1989 to 1993.

Translation to undergraduates, Hubei Normal University, from 1995 to 1999.

General Linguistics to M.A. candidates, Central China Normal University, since 2002.

Pragmatics to M.A. candidates, Central China Normal University, since 2002.

Discourse Analysis to Ph.D. candidates, Central China Normal University, since 2004.

Forensic Linguistics to Ph.D. candidates, China University of Political Sciences and Law, since 2004.

Pragmatics to Ph.D. candidates, Central China Normal University, since 2004.

Philosophy of Language to Ph.D. candidates, China University of Political Sciences and Law, since 2005.

Advanced Translation to undergraduates (seniors), Central China Normal University, 2005.

English linguistics to undergraduates (seniors), Central China Normal University, since 2006.

Philosophy of Language to Ph.D. candidates, Central China Normal University, since 2008.

Ph.D and M.A. Programs

Director and supervisor of the Ph.D. Program "Forensic Linguistics" at the Law School of China University of Political Sciences and Law, from 2004 to 2008.

Supervisor of the Ph.D. Program "Comparative Study of Chinese and English" at the Institute of Linguistics of the School of Chinese Language and Literature, Central China Normal University, from 2004 to 2006.

Director and supervisor of the Ph.D. Program "Discourse Analysis and Pragmatics" at the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University, since 2006.

Director and supervisor of the M.A. Program "Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics" at the School of Foreign Languages, Central China Normal University from 2002 to the present.

I have supervised and directed since 2004 14 PhD students who have obtained their doctor degrees and 14 more are studying with me.

I have supervised and directed since 2002 about 50 M.A students who have got their degrees and 15 more are still studying with me.

Publications (major ones)

On discourse metaphor

"Metaphor as a Cohesive Device in English",Modern Foreign Languages(现代外语). 1992.

"Metaphor as a Textual Strategy in English",Text, 1999, 19-2.

"Metaphor as a Textual Strategy in Chinese",Foreign Language Teaching and Research(外语教学与研究)2007.

"Metaphor as a Textual Strategy in Chinese",Foreign Language Research(外语学刊). 2010, 2.

"Metaphor we construct and organize our text and talk by".Foreign Languages(外国语文), 2011.

"Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by: metaphorical shifting.ForeignLanguage Research(外语学刊),2014.

On pragmatics and discourse analysis

"The Goal-driven Principle of and Dynamics of Context",Journal of PLA University of ForeignLanguages, 2010, 4.

"The Goal-driven Principle of and Communication",Foreign Language Research, 2009, 4 & 6.

"A Study on Interruption in Chinese Criminal Courtroom Discourse",TEXT & Talk, 2009, 29-2.

"The Principle of Goal and Discourse Coherence",Foreign Language Teaching and Research, 2005, 5.

"The Principle of Goal and Goal Analysis: A New Way of Doing Pragmatics (a)",Rhetorical Learning, 2005, 4.

"The Principle of Goal and Goal Analysis: A New Way of Doing Pragmatics (b)",Rhetorical Learning, 2005, 5.

"The Principle of Goal and Cooperation in Chinese Courtroom Trial Discourse",Journal of Foreign Languages, 2004, 5.

"A Study on Formulation in Chinese Courtroom Discourse",Foreign Language Research, 2006, 4.

On language and law

"Power in Interruption". Ashegate Publishers. 2013.

"Courtroom Discourse in China",Handbook of Language and Law, Oxford University Press,Oxford, 2011.

"A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Courtroom Sentencing".ESP Across Cultures,Italy, 2010, 7.

"A study on Courtroom Answers",Rhetorical Learning, 2004, 5.

"A Review of Forensic Linguistics Abroad",Contemporary Linguistics, 2004, 3.

"A Study on Reasoning through Question-answer Interaction",A New Perspective on Languageand law(Selected Papers ), 2003.

"A Field Report of Chinese Courtroom Language",Law and Life,2003, 8.

"A Study on the Interaction Patterns in Chinese Courtroom Interaction",Linguistic Science,2004, 3.

"The Status quo of Chinese Courtroom Trial seen from Question-answer Interaction".AppliedLinguistics, 2002, 3.

Books and monographs

A Companion to “Linguistics, a Course Book”, Southwest University of Transportation and Communication, 2005.

Trial Communication Strategies, Law Press, 2005.

A Study on Courtroom Questions, Responses and their Interaction in China, Law Press, 2003.

A Textbook in Translation,Shantou University Press, 1996.

A Chinese English Dictionary of International Finance and Trade, Foreign Language Study and Research Publishing House, 2000.


English Writing Skills, Beijing Publishing House, 1985.

Tess, Beijing Foreign Languages Publishing House, 2000.

Before Adam, Hebei Education Publishing House, 1999.

The Ring, (published in the journal Window on Foreign Literature), 1987.

A Series of Translation on Language and Law (Eds.), Law Publishing House, 2007.


Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by. (monograph)

A Pragmatic Study of Chinese Courtroom Discourse (monograph) (To be published by the Oxford University Press).

The Principle of Goal and Goal analysis (monograph)

The Standardization of Courtroom Language (monograph)


Outside Mainland China

"Cooperation in Chinese Courtroom Discourse". UBC, Canada. July 30-August 1, 2014.

"A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Courtroom Questions". Invited Talk, Harvard Yanching Institute, April, 2014

"Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by-toward a model of metaphorical discourse". City University of Hong Kong, 2013.

"Power in Interruption".A plenary speech.The sixth conference on legal linguistics and legal translation, Poznan, Poland, 2011.

"Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by".Invited Talk.The Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong, and give a talk, 2012.

"Power in Interruption". Invited Talk. The Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics,City University of Hong Kong. 2010.

"Courtroom Discourse in China and the U.S.".Invited Talk.The Law School of University of San Diego, May, 2007.

"A Study of Interruption of Chinese Courtroom Discourse".Invited Talk.The Interdisciplinary Humanity Centre of University of California, Santa Barbara, May, 2007.

"Courtroom Discourse in China and US".Invited Talk.Loyola Law School of Los Angeles, May, 2007.

"Courtroom Discourse in China and US".Invited Talk.The Centre of Law, Language and Cognition, Booklyn Law School, May, 2007.

Inside Mainland China

“A Comparative Study of Chinese and American Courtroom Sentencing Discourse”. A keynote

speech at the 8thNational Conference on Legal Methodology at Zhengzhou University, April, 2013.

"A Comparative Study of Questioning in Chinese and American Courtroom Examinations".A key-note speechat the 4thNational Conference on Language and Law. Renmin University of China. December 2011.

"A Comparative Study of Questioning in Chinese and American Courtroom Examinations".A key-note speechat the Second National Conference on Law and Rhetoric at Nankai University. December, 2011.

“A Study of Politeness in Chinese Courtroom Discourse”.A key-note speechat the First National Conference on Legal Rhetorics, Yantai, May, 2011.

“A Study of Metaphorical Shifting in Discourse”.A key-note speechat the Functional Linguistics Forum, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, April, 2010.

“A Study of Politeness Phenomena in Chinese Courtroom Discourse”.A key-note speechat the Second National Language and Law Conference, Beijing College of Politics and Law, Feb., 2010.

"Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by: metaphorical shifting".A key-note speechat the 12thNational Pragmatics Conference in Wuhan University, in July, 2009.

"Power in Interruption".A key-note speechat the First Linguistic Forum across the Taiwan Strait in Macao, in December, 2008.

Invited to givea key-note speechat the Fourth National Conference on Legal Theory and Legal Methodology in Southern China University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou.

"The Principle of Goal and Communication".A key-note speechat the 11thNational Pragmatics Conference in Nanjing University, in July, 2007.

"A Study of Interactional Reasoning in Chinese Criminal Courtroom Discourse".A key-note speechat the First National Conference on Legal Theory and Legal Methodology in China University of Political Sciences and Law in Beijing, 2006.

"A Study of Formulation in Chinese Courtroom Discourse".A key-note speechat the third national conference on pragmatics in Fudan University in Shanghai, July, 2005.

*I have also been invited to give lectures or talks in more than 50 key universities in China since 2004.

Conference participation

Outside Mainland China

“Metaphor we construct and organize our text and talk by: metaphorical shifting in discourse”. The International Conference on Cognitive Linguistics in Tambov, Russia, October, 2012.

"Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by: a metaphorical discourse analysis framework". The 12thInternational Conference on Pragmatics in Manchester, 2011.

"Power in Interruption". A presentation at the First Language and Law Conference in Second University of Naples, Caserta, Italy, 2010.

"Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by". A presentation at the 11thInternational Pragmatics Conference in Melbourne, in July, 2009.

"Courtroom Discourse in China and the U.S." A presentation at the 8thInternational Association of Forensic Linguistics in University of Washington, in July, 2007.

"Cooperation in Chinese Courtroom Interaction". A presentation at the sixth international conference of forensic linguistics in Sydney, Australia, July, 2003.

Invited to work with Professor Doreen Wu on a project on linguistics in the Chinese and Bilingual Studies Department of Hong Kang Polytechnic University, August to October,2001.

Invited to make a presentation at the 9thinternational conference of the International Academy of Linguistic Law in Beijing, September, 2004.

Inside Mainland China

Invited to make a presentation at the Third National Conference on Legal Rhetorics, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou, December, 2012.

Invited to make a presentation at the Conference on Philosophy of Language, Sichuan International Studies University, December, 2009.

Invited to make a presentation at the second national conference on pragmatics in Fuzhou Normal University, December, 2004.

Invited to make a presentation at the first national conference on pragmatics in Guangzhou University of Foreign Languages and Trade, December, 2003.

Invited to make a presentation at the first national conference on language and law in Beijing, June, 2002.

Invited to make a presentation at the 9thnational conference of Chinese contemporary linguistics in Beijing, October, 2002.

Invited to make a presentation at the 8thnational conference of Chinese Contemporary Linguistics, Guangzhou, in October, 2000.

Invited to deliver a speech in the Center of Forensic Linguistics of China University of Political Sciences and Law, Beijing, November, 2003.


Standardization of Chinese Courtroom Language. The Ministry of Justice of China Legal Theory Studies Grant. 2003-2006.

A Pragmatic Study of Chinese Courtroom Discourse. China National Social Sciences and Philosophy Foundation 2006-2009.

Metaphors we construct and organize our text and talk by. Central China Normal University 211 Program. 2006-2008.

A Study of Text Grammar of English. Hubei Provincial Education Committee Grant. 1998.

Fulbright Scholarship Grant for visiting Brooklyn law School as Fulbright Professor. Fulbright Foundation. August 2006 - July 2007.

China Scholarship Council Grant for visiting University of Dusserdorf, Germany as a visiting scholar. August 1997-August, 1998.


Executive director of Chinese Pragmatics Association, 2007.

Member of the International Academy of Linguistic Law, 2005.

Vice chairmen of the China Language and Law Association, 2008.

Founding member of the International Language and Law Association, 2008.

Member of the International Pragmatics Association, 2008.

Executive director of China Association of Western Philosophy, 2009.

Executive director of China Behavior Law Association, 2010.


Reviewer forChinaNational Philosophy and Social Sciences Grants

Reviewer for International Journal,Text and Talk

Reviewer forFulbright Foundation Grant

Reviewer forInternational Journal for the Semiotics of Law

Reviewer forInternational Journal of Multi-cultural Discourse Studies

Reviewer for academic journalsModern Languages,Linguistic Science, and etc.