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Wang yong

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WANG, Yong (王勇), Professor, PhD

School of Foreign Languages

Central China Normal University (CCNU)

Wuhan, P. R. China (430079)

Home: 086-27-67865263

Cell: 136 9732 2389


Professional Experience:

Jan. 2011-

Professor, School of Foreign Languages, CCNU

Feb. 2012–Jun. 2012

Visiting Professor, Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong

Sept. 2010-Jun. 2011

Visiting Scholar, Centre for English and Applied Linguistics, the University of Cambridge

Jan. 2006 – May 2011

Associate Professor, School of Foreign Languages, CCNU

Mar. 2006 – Sept. 2008

Visiting Scholar, Department of English Language and Literature, Hong Kong Baptist University

Sept. 2006 – Jun. 2009

Post-doctoral Research Fellow in Comparative Grammar and Typology, Research Centre for Language and Language Education, CCNU


Lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, CCNU


Tutor, School of Foreign Languages, CCNU


Tutor, Department of Foreign Languages, Huanggang Teachers’ College (Huanggang, Hubei, China)

Research Interests:

Functional linguistics (esp. functional syntax), linguistic typology, Chinese grammar, discourse analysis


Sept. 2003- Jun. 2006

SunYat-sen University, Guangzhou, China

Ph.D. in functional linguistics (Supervised by Prof. HUANG, Guowen)

Sept. 1996- Jun.1999

CCNU, Wuhan, China

M.A. in English Language and Literature

Sept. 1990-Jun. 1994

Hubei Normal University, Huangshi, Hubei, China

B.A. in English Language and Literature



A Functional Study of the Evaluative Enhanced Theme Constructions in English. Singapore/London: Prentice Hall. 2008.

Journal Articles

  1. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou. 2014. A functional studies of event existentials in Chinese.Functional Linguistics(forthcoming).

  2. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou. Impersonal Clauses in Chinese.Functions of Language(forthcoming).

  3. Wang, Yong & Zhenglin Li, 2014. The relation between lexicon and grammar: A review of four grammatical models.Journal of Central China Normal University5 (forthcoming).

    王 勇、李正林,2014, 词汇和语法:三种语法模式的比较, 《华中师范大学学报》第5期。

  4. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou, 2014, Event-existentials in Modern Chinese.Journal of Foreign Languages3.

    王 勇、周迎芳,2014, 现代汉语中的事件类存在句,《外国语》第3期。

  5. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou. 2014. A review of the debate on universality and diversity of languages in 2009-2010.Contemporary Linguistics1.

    王勇、周迎芳,2014, 语言的共性和差异性:国外语言学界的一场讨论(2009-2010)。《当代语言学》第1期。

  6. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou. 2013. The grammar of weather: With special reference to English and Chinese weather forecast texts.Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing6.


  7. Wang, Yong & Jie Xu. 2013. The interrelation between evaluative categories and evaluated items.Linguistics and Human Sciences8/1: 29-61.

  8. Wang, Yong. 2012. Functional exploration of it-evaluative construction. In Huang Guowen, Chang Chenguang (eds.).Annual Review of Functional Linguistics4.

  9. Wang, Yong & Jie Xu. 2013. A systemic typology of possessive and existential constructions.Functions of Language20/1: 1-30.

  10. Zhou, Yingfang & Yong Wang. 2012. Towards a typology of the existential clause.Journal of Foreign Languages3.


  11. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou. 2012. Theyou-constructions from diachronic and cross-linguistic perspectives.Journal of Central China Normal University5.


  12. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou. 2012. The integration of verbal participant roles into the argument structure of the existential construction.Essays in Linguistics47.

    王勇、周迎芳,2012, 构式的论元结构与动词参与者角色之间的整合,《语言学论丛》(北京大学汉语语言学研究中心)第46辑。

  13. Wang, Yong and Jie Xu. 2011. Systemic functional linguistics and language typology.Journal of Foreign Language3.

    王勇、徐杰,2011, 系统功能语言学与语言类型学,《外国语》第3期(人大复印资料《语言文字学》2011年第9期全文转载)。

  14. Wang, Yong & Yingfang Zhou. 2011. A typological study of the subject in the existential construction.Foreign Language Teaching and Research2.

    王勇、周迎芳,2011, 存在句主语的类型学研究,《外语教学与研究》第2期(人大复印资料《语言文字学》2011年第8期全文转载)

  15. Wang, Yong. 2011. Motivational analysis of the evaluative enhanced theme construction.Foreign Language Research2.

    王勇,2011, 评价性强势主谓结构的功能理据分析,《外语学刊》第2期。

  16. Wang, Yong, Mingfang Chen, Yuanyuan Zhang, and Man Zhang. 2010. Aspects of systemic functional linguistics: A review of the talks presented at the 10th Chinese Systemics Week.Foreign Languages in China6.

    王勇、陈明芳、张媛媛、张曼,2010, 系统功能语言学研究面面观——第十届中国功能语言学学术活动周综述,《中国外语》第6期。

  17. Wang, Yong & Jie Xu. 2010. A construction grammar study of the Chinese existential sentence.Language Research3.

    王勇、徐杰,2010, 汉语存在句的构式语法研究,《语言研究》第3期。

  18. Yang, Suying, Yueyuan Huang, and Yong Wang. 2009. On the classification of verbal situation types and its problems.Essays in Linguistics39.

    杨素英、黄月圆、王勇,2009, 动词情状分类及分类中的问题,《语言学论丛》(北京大学汉语语言学研究中心)(39)

  19. Wang, Yong. 2009. The semantic space between yes and no: Polarity, modality, and negation.ForeignLanguage and Literature2.

    王勇,2009, 在“是”和“不是”之间:情态、归一性和否定,《外国语文》第2期。

  20. Wang, Yong. 2009. Explanation in language typology.Journal of PLA University of Foreign Languages1.


  21. Zhou, Yingfang & Yong Wang. 2008. End-weight, end-focus, and language use.Journal of Hubei Normal University5.

    周迎芳、王勇,2008, 末端重心、末端焦点原则与语言实际使用,《湖北师范学院学报》第5期。

  22. Zhou, Yingfang & Yong Wang. 2008. Humorous utterances from the perspective of schema theory.Journal of Huanggang Normal University.1.

    周迎芳、王勇,2008, 由图式理论看幽默话语,《黄冈师范学院学报》,第1期。

  23. Wang, Yong. 2007. The discourse functions of the Evaluative Enhanced Theme Construction.Journal of Chinese Language and Computing17 (3): 141-157.

  24. Wang, Yong. 2007. Special theme constructions in English.Journal of Sichuan International Studies University6.

    王勇,2007, 英语中的特殊主位结构,《四川外语学院学报》第6期。

  25. Wang, Yong. 2007. A systemic-functional study of existential there.Foreign Language Research3.

    王勇,2007, 存在句中there的系统功能语言学研究,《外语学刊》第3期。

  26. Wang, Yong & Guowen Huang. 2007. Recursion in text structure.Foreign Language Teaching and Research5.

    王勇、黄国文,2006, 语篇结构中的递归现象,《外语教学与研究》第5期。

  27. Wang, Yong. 2006. Polarity and modality.Journal of Shaoguan University8.

    王勇,2006, 归一性和情态,《韶关学院学报》第8期。

  28. Wang, Yong. 2005. A systemic-functional study of anticipatory it.Modern Foreign Languages3.

    王勇,2005, 预指代词it的系统功能语言学研究,《现代外语》第3期。

  29. Wang, Yong. 2003. Punctuation differences in British and American English.English Teaching and Research Notes.3.

    王勇,2003, 英式英语和美式英语标点符号之差异,《中小学英语教学与研究》第3期。

  30. Wang, Yong. 2002. Laugh-causing mechanism in humorous utterances.Social Sciences in Nanjing2.

    王勇,2002, 幽默言语的制笑机制,《南京社会科学》第2期。

  31. Wang, Yong. 2001. A study of humorous utterances from the perspective of relevance theory.Foreign Language Education1.

    王勇,2001, 由关联理论看幽默言语,《外语教学》第1期。

  32. Wang, Yong. 2000. New approaches to the passive voice.Research of Foreign language teaching in Jiangsu1.

    王勇,2000, 被动语态的新视角,《江苏外语教学研究》第1期。

  33. Wang, Yong. 1998. A pragmatic analysis of the passive voice.Journal of Central China Normal University(special issue).

    王勇,1998, 被动语态的语用分析,《华中师范大学学报》专辑。

  34. Yu Jianmin and Yong Wang. 1998. Cultural Schematic Knowledge in foreign language reading.Journal of Central China Normal University(special issue).

    余健民、王勇,1998, 图式知识中的文化因素与外语阅读,《华中师范大学学报》专辑。

Reviews and interviews

  1. Book review: Wang, Yong. 2004. Review ofContrastive Discourse in Chinese and English: A Critical Appraisal. Modern Foreign Languages4.


  2. Interview: Wang, Yong. 2004. An interview with Prof. Hu Zhuanglin.Educational Research on Foreign Languages and Arts4.

    王勇,2004. 胡壮麟教授访谈录(记录整理),《广州外语艺术职业技术学院学报》年第4期。

  3. Review article: Wang, Yong. 2008. On the borderline between grammar and lexicon: A review of pattern grammar.Contemporary Linguistics3.

    王勇,2008, 行走在语法和词汇之间:型式语法述评,《当代语言学》第3期(人大复印资料《语言文字学》2008年第11期全文转载)。

Book Chapters

  1. Wang, Yong. 2011. SFL’s cross-linguistic journey: opportunities and challenges. In Guowen Huang, Chenguang Chang, and Haiqing Liao (eds.).Forum on Systemic Linguistic Studies(Vol. 2). Beijing: Higher Education Press.


  2. Wang, Yong. 2009. From the existential to the (dis)appearance construction: the existential and its extensions.Collected Papers on Foreign Languages, Literature and Culture(Vol.). Wuhan: CCNU Press.

王勇,2009, 从存在句到隐现句:存在句的扩展形式,《外国语言文学论丛》(第一辑)。武汉:华中师范大学出版社。

  1. Wang, Yong. Chapter 7, in Shu Baimei (ed.).English Language Education: A Coursebook. Wuhan: CCNU. 2004.


  2. Wang, Yong. The use of functional grammar in intensive reading class, in Zhang Shaojie and Yang Zhong (eds.). Text, Function, and Cognition. Changchun: Jinlin People’s Press, 2003.


  3. Wang, Yong. Chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 16, 18, in Zhang Weiyou (ed.).English Language Learning Strategies and Skills. Chongqing: University of Chongqing Press, 2003.

撰写《英语学习策略和技巧》第1, 2, 3, 4, 13, 16, 18章,张维友主编。重庆:重庆大学出版社,2003。

Research Projects and Grants

  1. New Century Talent Supporting Project, Ministry of Education, China (Grant No.: NCET-13-0819), Total funding: ¥200,000

    Completion date: 2013-2016

My Role: Project Leader

  1. Features of Syntactic Functions and Some Related Syntactic Issues in Chinese

    National Social Science Funding Project (10BYY061), Total funding: ¥120,000

    Completion date: 2010-2013

My Role: Project Leader

  1. The Use of Functional Grammar in Grammar Teaching for English Majors in Normal Universities.

    Central China Normal University Teaching Research Grant, Total Funding: ¥3,000

Completion date: 2008-2010

My Role: Project Leader

  1. A Typological Approach to the Existential Clause

    Central China Normal University Yingui Project, Total Funding: ¥5,000

Completion Date: 2008-2009

My Role: Project Leader

A Contrastive Study of the English and Chinese Existentials: A Typological Perspective

Central China Normal University Postdoc Project, Total Funding: ¥20,000

Completion Date: 2006-2009

My Role: Project Leader

  1. English Grammar (A&B): An Online Course

    Huada Network Company Project, Total Funding: ¥60,000

Completion Date: 2002-2006

My Role: Project Leader

  1. “The Use of Translation” as a sub-project under the major project “Developing Online Course for Middle School English Teaching”

    Developing Distant Education Resources for Middle School Teacher’s Further Education (B1012), Total Funding: ¥200,000

Completion Date: 2001-2003

My Role: Project Participant

  1. English Lexicology

    National High-Quality Course Project, Total Funding: ¥100,000

Completion Date: 2009-2010

My Role: Main Participant

  1. English Linguistics

    Hubei Province High-Quality Course Project, Total Funding: ¥100,000

Completion Date: 2008-2009

My Role: Main Participant

Courses Taught:

Introduction to Theoretical Linguistics (MA)

Introduction to Functional Linguistics (MA)

Typological comparative linguistics (PhD)


Introduction to General Linguistics

English Grammar

Intensive Reading

English Writing

Professional Membership:

Member of Standing Committee, China Functional Linguistics Association (2012)

Member of Standing Committee, China Text Analysis Association (2012)

Director, the Institute of Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, CCNU (2012-)