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Junfeng Zhang

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Junfeng Zhang(张峻峰)





English Dept. Foreign Languages School, Central China Normal University, 152 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R.C. 430079 (University Address)


Phone: (86)-(27)-67868693                     (86)-18971473628(cell)


Fax: (86)-(27)-67868437                    


Email: zjfeng@mail.ccnu.edu.cn                                          


Ph.D., Professor, Head of Translation Department, Central China Normal University, Wuhan, Hubei, P.R. China 430079





Bachelor of Arts in English Language & Literature (July 1993)


Central China Normal University (CCNU), Wuhan, Hubei, People’s Republic of China



Master of Arts in American Studies (May 2002)


Fulbright Scholar, University of Kansas , Lawrence , KS



Master of Arts in English Language & Literature, Specialized in Translation Theory and Practice (June 2004) CCNU, Wuhan, Hubei People’s Republic of China



Doctor of Philosophy in Translation (May 2011)


Department of Chinese, Translation and Linguistics, City University of Hong Kong





  • The 8th Teaching Excellence Award of Central China Normal     University, Third Prize, 2016
  • The 10th     Excellent Social Sciences Research Output Awards in Hubei Province, Third     Prize, 2016
  • CCNU     Undergraduate Teaching Innovation, Second Prize, 2014
  • CCNU     Teaching Excellence Award, First Prize, 2013
  • Member on     the editorial board of Translation     and Translanguaging in Multilingual Contexts (John Benjamins )
  • Recipient     of 2009 (March—September) Australian Endeavour Research Fellowship, La Trobe University , Australia
  • Research     Tuition Scholarship for the academic year 2006-2007, GPA 4.15/4.30, City     University of Hong Kong
  • Master’s     thesis rated “Excellent”, by the department academic committee, CCNU, 2004
  • Recipient     of 2000-2002 U.S. Fulbright Graduate Student Fellowship
  • Member     of Phi Beta Delta, honor society for international scholars, KU, 2000





Tutor, CTL 5901 Language, Cognition, and Culture, (Spring and Fall, 2007; Summer 2008) & CTL 2999 Introduction to WorldCivilization (Spring 2008), City University of Hong Kong



Senior Research Assistant, a. Tag words developing and text analysis, for Prof. Chunshen Zhu’s Online Parallel Writing and Teaching of Translation Project No.: 6000304 funded by City University of Hong Kong (Project), from December 2009 to March 2011. b. Chinese character origin analysis , classifying and entering of the features into the system, for Prof. Chunshen Zhu’s Conceptual Analysis of Wangwei and Menghaoran’s Poems Project No.: 7002394 funded by City University of Hong Kong (Project), from December 2008 to January 2009. c. Keywords annotation, proof reading and editing for Prof. Chunshen Zhu’s Chinese translation and electronic tagging software of De Profundis , published by Yilin Publishing House, April 2008. Project No. 7100174 funded by the City University of Hong Kong.



Professor(Since 2015) and Associate Professor(Since 2004), CCNU


MA Courses: Advanced Interpreting, Interlingual Subtitling, Sight Interpreting


BA Courses: Intensive Reading I, Extensive Reading, Listening, Advanced Integrated English, English-Chinese Translation Workshop



Coordinator and Head Instructor, Oral English Teaching Team, CCNU, (1999-2000)


  • Supervised     both Chinese and Americans from schools including CCNU, BYU at Hawaii , and Augustana College
  • Coordinated     group meetings, lesson preparation, and teaching schedules



Teaching Workshop Member, Basic Language Skills Course, CCNU (1994-1995)


  • Helped     design and implement a textbook for the prestigious Yale-China Association
  • Updated     textbook for four years following initial completion



Interpreter, between English and Chinese, various occasions in Wuhan (2003-2005)


  • Optical     Storage Industry and Technology Forum, Wuhan, November 2, 2005 (simultaneous) and November 3, 2005(simultaneous)
  • China and WTO, Wuhan       University , June 6,     2004 (simultaneous & consecutive)
  • Centennial     Celebration of CCNU and University Presidents’ Forum, CCNU, October 8,     2003 (simultaneous & consecutive)      



Research Projects


PI of the following projects


  • A study of Important US Reports on Strategic Development of Science     and Technology (L1524033, Grant 100,000RMB), National Natural Science     Foundation of China, 2015. In Progress
  • A Study on the Implicitness Constructed and Translated in Chinese     Diplomatic Discourse (14YJA740056, Grant 100,000RMB), Ministry of     Education of China, 2014. In Progress
  • Interpersonal Prominence and International Presence (20205140086,     Grant 30,000RMB), Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities,     Ministry of Education of China, 2014. Completed
  • An Empirical Study of Language Testing Criteria (12JJD740002, Grant     20,000RMB), Ministry of Education of China, 2012. Completed
  • The implicitness in Chinese Diplomatic Discourse and Its     Translation into English (120002040688, Grant 30,000RMB), Fundamental     Research Funds for the Central Universities, Ministry of Education of     China, 2012. Completed





  • Zhang, Junfeng.(2015). Interpersonal     Prominence and International Presence. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.     ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-7700-8.
  • Yi, Honggen, Junfeng Zhang, Fan Jiang eds. (2004) An Interpreting Course (I &     II). Chongqing: Chongqing University Press.
  • Zhang, Junfeng, Yingping Pang, Fang Liu, Guohua Zhang eds. (2007) A Brief Introduction to Major     English-Speaking Countries: Australia and The United Kingdom of Great     Britain and Northern Ireland. Beijing: China Radio and Television     Press.





  1. Zhu, Chunshen and Junfeng Zhang (2015). Dancing with     Ideology: Grammatical Metaphor and Information Presentation in     Translation. Meta 60(3):     387-405.    (Corresponding author) A&HCI
  2. Zhang, Junfeng (2015) On Translating for Implicitness     in Diplomatic Discourse. Foreign     Language and Literature Research 1(6): 29-36.
  3. Pang, Yingping and Junfeng Zhang2015A Call     for Reassessing the Role of Translation in Foreign Language Teaching. Foreign Language and Literature     Research 1(2): 109-112.
  4. Zhang, Junfeng and Pang Yingping (2014). Mirroring,     Reformulation and Functional Translation: A Complementary TEFL Model for     Advanced Learners. Interpreter and     Translator Trainer 8(1):52-69.
  5. Zhang, Junfeng (2014). The Implicitness Constructed and Translated     in Diplomatic Discourse: a perspective from grammatical metaphor. Interpreter and Translator Trainer     8(1) : 147.  Abstract of PhD thesis     (352 words).
  6. Zhang, Junfeng (2014). From Interpersonal to International: two     types of translation in the making of implicitness in diplomatic     discourse, Perspectives: Studies in     Translatology, 22(1):75-95.
  7. Zhang, Junfeng (2013). The Implicitness Constructed and Translated     in Diplomatic Discourse: a perspective from grammatical metaphor. New Voices in Translation Studies 10,     URL: http://www.iatis.org/index.php/home/item/794-issue10-2013. Abstract of PhD thesis (607 words).
  8. Zhu, Chunshen and Junfeng Zhang (2011). “bu zheteng” Untranslated:     Zero Translation, Defamiliarization and the Right of Discourse     Interpretation”. Zhongguo Fanyi (Chinese Translators Journal), 68 - 72.
  9. Zhang , Junfeng. (2009). “On Selection of Mental Process in     Apology—With Special Reference to Edison Chen’s Sexual Picture Scandal.” Waiguo Yuyan Wenxue Wenhua     Luncong(Forum of Foreign Languages, Literature , and Culture). Wuhan:     Central China Normal University Press, 56-66.
  10. Zhang, Junfeng (2004)     “Racial Profiling---Critical Discourse Analysis of a Legal Document     Concerning African Americans.” Journal of the Academic Research of     International Languages, 4(1): 160-162.
  11. Zhang, Junfeng and     Yingping Pang (2004) “On Identification of Main     Ideas in Interpreting.” Journal of Central China Normal University     (Humanities and Social Sciences) 43(3):131-134.
  12. Zhang, Junfeng (2004)     “Alienation, Death Horror, and Other Issues in Postmodern America.” in the     Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of Association of     Foreign Literature (2002), 380-387. Beijing: The Peoples Literature     Publishing House.
  13. Zhang, Junfeng (2004)     “On Strategies of Improving Oral English.” Journal of Suihua Teachers     College 2: 96-97.
  14. Zhang, Junfeng (2004)     “What Does ‘House Median Income by Race’ Indicate?” Journal of Huangshi     Polytechnic College 20 (3): 53-55.
  15. Zhang, Junfeng (2003)     “Materialism versus Realism: A Comparison between Jiumei and Short     Skirt and Long Jacket.Journal of China Education, 12:149-150.
  16. Zhang, Junfeng (2003)     “Translation Criteria for Literary Works.” International Communication     12: 32-34.
  17. Zhang, Junfeng (2003) “On the Three English Versions of 'Shu Jian De     Jiang'.” Gao Deng Han Shou Xue Bao (Journal of Distance Learning for     Higher Education) 5:43-45.


Conference Presentations:


“Dancing with Double Shackles: Characteristics of textual transference in subtitling”, presented in the “5th Cross-Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication” (September 20th-September 23rd, 2013), September 21st, 2013, CCNU, Wuhan, China.


“bu zheteng” Untranslated: Zero Translation, Defamiliarization and the Right of Discourse Interpretation”, presented (as the second author) in theFourth Cross-Taiwan Straits Symposium on Translation and Intercultural Communication (July 8th-July 10th, 2011)”, July 9th, 2011, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong.


Why Can’t Hu’s “bu zheteng” Be Said in English?, presented (as the second author) in the “First Symposium on Chinese Language and Discourse (October 29th-October 31st, 2010)”, October 30th, 2010, University of California, Los Angeles, the United States of America.


The Pragmatics in Translating “bu zheteng”: Its implications for practice and teaching of translation and interpreting, presented (as the second author) in the “quanqiouhua shiyu xia fanyi jiaoxue yu yanjiu xueshu yantaohui” (Conference on Translation Teaching and Research in the Context of Globalization), October 25th, 2009 Zhejiang Normal University, Jinhua, Zhejiang, China.


Interpersonal Prominence of Diplomatic Discourse and Its Translation in Conflict Resolution/Dissolution Scenarios, presented in the “3rd Conference of the International Association for Translation and Intercultural Studies” on the panel of “Mediation and Conflict: Translation and Culture in a Global Context”, July 10th, 2009. Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.


From Interpersonal to International—a case study of diplomatic discourse in translation, presented in the “2nd HCLS Conference—Translation, Language Contact, and Multilingual Communication”, August 15th, 2008 at the City University of Hong Kong.